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Preparing for Your Apartment Lease Renewal

beechtree apartments apartment lease renewal

Learn how to prepare for your apartment lease renewal.

Once you’ve found the right apartment, you want to hold onto it. This is where your apartment lease renewal comes in. You can renew your lease for another term at the end of your current lease. This is typically a simple process between you and your landlord; however, it always helps to know ahead of time what to expect and to understand the terms of your new lease before signing the agreement. If you haven’t renewed a lease before, remember these lessons to enjoy a seamless process when your rental term ends. 

Understand the Terms of Your Lease 

Every apartment community has its own terms and procedures for lease renewals. When you initially sign your lease, take note of the expiration date and renewal terms so there are no surprises down the road. Mark your calendar beforehand because this date will creep up on you! 

Know When You Need to Give an Answer 

Most leases require you to decide on renewal or cancellation before your current lease ends. A 60-day notice is often standard but check your lease. Some give you more time, while others give you less. The details of the process will be written in your rental contract

Reach Out to Your Landlord

When you have decided you would like to renew, contact your landlord to get the process started. If you don’t want to renew, let them know in the defined time that you do not intend to renew. This gives the property manager time to post your apartment listing before you move out. It is possible for landlords to choose not to renew your lease. This typically only happens in these scenarios: 

  • You have consistently missed rent payments or paid late
  • You have not kept the property in an acceptable condition
  • The property has received complaints about your behavior

Examine the New Terms and Pricing Changes

An apartment lease renewal doesn’t usually require a fee, but It is normal for rent to increase slightly when you renew your lease. Ensure that the new terms are acceptable and everyone is on the same page before committing. If you are living with roommates, ensure all roommates agree before renewing. If one or more roommates do not want to renew, you must either take on the entire rent yourself or find new roommates approved by your property manager. 

Read Your New Lease

Your landlord will send a copy of your new rental agreement to read and review. Take note of any changes and make sure you are okay with them. 

Sign and Return Your Apartment Lease Renewal 

Once you have reviewed your lease, the final step is to sign it and return it to the property manager for their signature. Keep a copy for yourself so you can review it anytime. 

Your Lease is Renewed!

Congratulations, your lease is renewed! Once the process is done, you can continue to reside in your home without interruption. Take note of the new termination date – and note the lease term may be shorter or longer than your previous term – and note when you will have to give notice again in the future. 

Let Us Welcome You Home to Your Fabulous New Apartment! 

Here at Beechtree Apartments, we pride ourselves on providing you with luxurious living and affordable pricing. So when you choose one of our fabulous new apartments in Calvert County, you can see how modern living meets modern-day conveniences. 

It’s easy to find us! Visit us at 200 Jenden Way Suite 101, Prince Frederick, Maryland 20678. Are you social? Feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram! You can also reach us by phone at 443-432-3557!

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